Other 2023 Community Partnership Highlights
Child Crisis Arizona
In January, Enterprise allocated $10 million in New Markets Tax Credits to support the construction of the new 38,000-square-foot Center for Child & Family Wellness, which will host community partners, provide basic-needs distribution, and allow the agency to connect even more children and families with vital support. Child Crisis Arizona provides emergency shelter, foster care, adoption, counseling, early education and parenting support services to Arizona’s most vulnerable children, youth and families.
Enterprise Games
The inaugural “Enterprise Games” fundraising event brought together the Kansas City business community to compete in fun outdoor games, raising $60,000 for more than a dozen participating local nonprofits.
United Way Northern New Mexico
Enterprise pledged to donate $300,000 over the course of three years to support the United Way of Northern New Mexico. The funding will help United Way support local nonprofits in addressing social determinants of health.
Junior Achievement
In March, our Orange County team partnered with Junior Achievement for a Volunteer Impact Day. Enterprise associates spent the day teaching financial literacy concepts to elementary school students. In April, our associates in Orange County volunteered at the Junior Achievement Career Exploration Fair, an event where students learn about a range of career options. Volunteers shared information and answered students’ questions about career opportunities in banking.
Trap Run
In September, Enterprise associates volunteered at St. Louis’ “Northside Trap Run,” a hip-hop themed event empowering North St. Louis neighborhoods and unifying grassroots, civic, educational, commercial and residential efforts in the city’s north-south divide. Enterprise is a proud returning sponsor of the event, which features a 1-mile and 5K run, followed by music and festivities.
More than 100 Enterprise associates in St. Louis came together with Cheeriodicals to pack 744 care packages for pediatric hospital patients to boost their spirits. The packages included personal messages of inspiration and encouragement for each gift recipient and were delivered to nine charity partners across our regions.