Personal Financial Management
Remote budgeting and finance management
Personal Financial Management (PFM) allows remote budgeting and finance management through account aggregation of your accounts across multiple financial institutions so you can access balances and transactions all in one place, on any device.
With PFM, you no longer need to leave the safety and familiarity of your online banking system to monitor all of your accounts.
Aggregated Accounts
There are many types of online banking accounts, and not all are compatible with common aggregation methods. PFM utilizes multiple aggregation sources and uses an aggregation engine to provide the best possible coverage.
Linking Accounts
Link your credit cards, loans, checking, and savings accounts from other financial institutions one time, and PFM keeps your view updated so you always see accurate balances and recent transactions.
Managing Transactions
Although you can see balances and transactions, you cannot create new transactions for linked accounts or transfer funds between linked accounts. Instead, use the Transactions > External Accounts menu option to set up transfers to and from an external account.
Transactions for your internal accounts and linked accounts are automatically categorized to help you accurately monitor your spending and track your budgets. You may choose to modify the automatically-selected category. You can also modify transaction descriptions, edit, or split transaction categories, and create new subcategories.
PFM Widgets
Easily manage your spending and debts, calculate your net worth, and see spending trends over specific time periods with visual display representation of your financial data known as widgets.
Learn how you can use PFM today in these videos!